
恒雲AlphaBroker上線了- 新一代的核心交易系統 UF3.0 System design and architecture underlying technology

全面數字化時代、財富管理轉型及業務市場轉變的大環境和大背景下, 今天恒雲為香港券商正式上線建設於 UF3.0 系統設計及架構底層的恒雲 AlphaBroker 證券交易及結算系統, 帶領香港本地及海外金融技術發展進入新的里程碑。In the new generation UF3.Under 0 financial technology, the system has carried out a number of innovations, among which seven core key innovations are as follows:

• Memory risk Risk control and memory trading

The key to real fast trading is risk control and the speed of the trading link。


To reduce the cost of risk control, General brokers in trading, 用了不同手法加快下單速度; 但這樣會降低了標準, 無法做到真正定義上面高速交易; 恒雲AlphaBroker通過事前風控系統以及事中風險監控系統,All kinds of trading data and risk control data are incorporated into the memory,Solve the problem of time-consuming ex ante risk control, Through the "memory risk control and memory trading" mode, Make the ordinary market trading speed up tens of times!

• Shared basic services

The construction of basic sharing service is the beginning of the management of securities information technology systems, and the subsequent construction of all systems can be carried out according to the planning of securities companies, rather than according to the planning of suppliers, to achieve the maximum user-centered。

• Microservices architecture

恒雲AlphaBroker使用JRES3.0 technology base, the design uses microservice architecture for construction, to achieve the three-body separation of transaction, settlement, management, professional division of labor, support 7*24 hours of business, efficient, stable and strong scalability。

• MySQL Database

The system supports MySQL as a production database, and in terms of database selection, it can support both Oracle and MySQL, such as Alibaba's self-developed Oceanbase, RDS, MariaDB, etc。The diversified choice of database can make the existing and future software can better coexist and unified management, and reduce the problems of internal software management and secondary development。

• Distributed architecture

All of the system's investor services support distributed scaling, both at the middleware level and at the database level, to address performance issues by adding machines when pressure increases。

The middleware supports unlimited expansion, calmly coping with the trillion market, more than 10 million customers of the transaction, settlement and other efficient processing。The use of full memory technology architecture, the use of real-time trading of in-memory data structure technology, to meet the institutional investor's demand for extreme speed experience。

• 7*24小時

On the one hand, the 7*24 hours support of the system is based on microservices to split and decouple the system, and improve the availability of the system through gray scale, troubleshooting and fault isolation。

• Grayscale upgrade

System upgrades are prone to introduce new errors, resulting in losses for clients and brokers。Gray upgrade can achieve part of the system upgrade, and then comprehensive upgrade after verification, reduce the impact of upgrade on the overall system。Improve system availability and reduce securities firms' worries about upgrades。

• Big Data

Big data technology is the representative of new technology, but also the basis of artificial intelligence。

UF3.0 System design is based on big data technology to achieve in-depth investor inquiries and business analysis at the company level。

Provide better asset and operation query experience for investment。Provide more comprehensive, accurate and in-depth data for the company's business analysis, so that the reporting efficiency is higher and the decision is more based。In the aspect of data management, the verification and processing performance are carefully designed。在運維上充分考慮與其他系統和平台的無縫對接,減少人工的運維操作。

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